The application in order to use the LeanXcale driver should meet the following requirements:
Unix ODBC Driver manager
C library providing SSL and TLS implementations
DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
Installing prerequisites:
$ apt install unixodbc
$ apt install uuid
$ wget
$ dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.23_amd64.deb
The Leanxcale ODBC driver’s library is included within Leanxcale distibution package.
$ unzip Archive: creating: lxdist/ inflating: lxdist/lxodbc.v2.5.port.tgz inflating: lxdist/lxavatica.v2.5.libs.tgz ...
Copy the lxodbc package to the desired direcotory and extract its content:
$ cp lxdist/lxodbc.v2.5.port.tgz ~/lxodbc/ $ cd ~/lxodbc/ $ tar xvf lxodbc.v2.5.port.tgz
Finally add a new DSN to your ~.odbc.ini like the folowing:
[LX_DSN] Description = Leanxcale DSN Driver = ~/lxodbc/lib/ Trace = no Host = <LX host> Database = <Database name> Schema = <Schema name> Port = <LX port. usually 14420> Secure = True UserName = <LX user> Password = <LX user's password> profiling = false
Now you can connect to the added DSN LX_DSN from your favorite ODBC application .