LeanXcale v2.2 User’s Guide

1. Background

1.1. LeanXcale Components

Before installing, it is important to know that LeanXcale has a distributed architecture and it consists of several components:

  • lxqe: Query engine in charge of processing SQL queries.

  • kvds: Data server of the storage subsystem. There might be multiple instances.

  • kvms: Metadata server of the storage subsystem.

  • lxmeta: Metadata process for LeanXcale. It keeps metadata and services needed for other components.

  • stats: Optional monitoring subsystem to see resource usage and performance KPIs of LeanXcale database.

  • odata: Optional OpenDATA server to support a SQL REST API.

There are other components used by the system, that are not relevant for the user and are not described here. For example, spread is a communication bus used by LeanXcale components.

1.2. LeanXcale Commands

The command lx is a Shell for running LeanXcale control programs. This simply fixes the environment for the installed host and runs the command given as an argument:

usage: lx [-d] cmd...

The command operates on the whole LeanXcale system, even when multiple hosts are used.

It is convenient to have lx in the PATH environment variable, as suggested in the install program output.

Command output usually includes information on a per-host basis reporting the progress of the used command.

Most commands follow the same conventions regarding options and arguments. We describe them here as a convenience.

Arguments specify what to operate (e.g., what to start, stop, etc.) may be empty to rely on the defaults (whole DB) or may specify a particular host and/or component name:

  • when only component names are given, and only those components will be involved (e.g., lxqe101).

  • when a component type name is given, components for that type are selected. (e.g., lxqe).

  • when a host name is given, any component following is narrowed to that host. If no components follow the host name, all components from the host are selected.

This may be repeated to specify different hosts and/or components.

The special host names db, repl, and repl2 may be used and stand for hosts without the nodb attribute, hosts for the first replica, and hosts for the second replica (hosts that are a mirror of other ones).

1.2.1. LeanXcale Commands on Bare Metal Installs

For bare metal installs, it suffices to have the lx command in the PATH. It can run on any of the installed hosts.

For example, on an installed host, lx version prints the installed version:

unix$ lx version
leanXcale v2.2
    kv         v2.2.2023-09-29.115f5fba70e3af8dc203953399088902c4534389
    QE         v2.2.2023-09-30.1e5933900582.26a7a5c3420cd3d5d589d1fa6cc
    libs       v2.2.2023-09-29.67535752acf19e092a6eaf17b11ad17597897956
    avatica    v2.2.2023-09-27.0b0a786b36e8bc7381fb2bb01bc8b3ed56f49172
    TM         v2.2.2023-09-29.9a9b22cfdc9b924dbc3430e613cddab4ed667a57

1.2.2. LeanXcale Commands on Docker Installs

To use the lx command on a docker install, an installed container must be running, and the command must be called on it.

For example, assume that the container named lx1 is running on a Docker install. The container could be started using the following command, assuming the leanXcale image is named lx:2, and the docker network used is lxnet:

unix$ docker run -dit --name lx1 --network lxnet -p0.0.0.0:14420:14420 lx:2 lx1

It is possible to attach to the container and use the ''lx'' command as it can be done on a bare metal host install:

unix$ docker attach lx1
lx1$ lx version

Here, we type docker attach lx1 on the host, and lx version on the docker container prompt.

Note that if you terminate the shell reached when attaching the docker container, it will stop. Usually, this is not desired.

It is possible to execute commands directly on the executed container. For example:

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx version

executes lx version on the lx1 container.

In what follows, lx1 is used as the container name in the examples for docker installs.

1.2.3. LeanXcale Commands on AWS Installs

Using lx on AWS hosts is similar to using it on a bare-metal install. The difference is that you must connect on the AWS instance to run the command there.

For example, after installing xample.aws.leanxcale.com, and provided the PEM file can be found at xample.pem, we can run this:

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx version

to see the installed version.

In what follows, xample.pem is used as the PEM file name and xample.aws.leanxcale.com is used as the installed instance name, for all AWS install examples.

2. Start and Stop Particularities on Different Installs

System start depends on how the system has been installed. For bare-metal installations, the administrator installing the system is responsible for adding a system service that brings LeanXcale into operation when the machine starts, and stops LeanXcale before halting the system.

For AWS installations, starting the instance starts the LeanXcale service, and stopping the instance stops LeanXcale before the instance stops.

For Docker installations, starting a container starts the LeanXcale service on it, and, for safety, LeanXcale should be halted before halting the container (otherwise Docker might decide to time-out and stop the container before LeanXcale did fully stop).

3. Licenses

To check for license status or to install a new license you can use the lx license command.

For a local installation, use just

unix$ lx license
	license expires: Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 2024

For docker installs, each container must include its own license. The DB in the container does not start the DB unless a valid license is found. But, the container must be running to check the license status and to install new licenses. Refer to the section on starting docker containers for help on that.

For example, to list the license status for the container lx1 we can run

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx license
lx1 [
	kvcon[1380]: license: no license file
  failed: failed: status 1
failed: status 1

To install a new license, just copy the license file to the container as shown here

unix$ docker cp ~/.lxlicense lx1:/usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense
unix$ docker exec -it lx1 sudo chown lx /usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense

The license status should be ok now:

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx license
	license expires: Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 2024

4. Licenses at LeanXcale

You can run the kvlicense file to generate a license file:

unix$ kvlicense
usage: kvlicense yymmdd file
unix$ kvlicense 243012 lxlicense
kvlicense[34951]: license saved at lxlicense with limit Fri Jun 12 2026

This binary is not built by default and is not included in the distribution Ask for help if you need it.

5. Starting the System

5.1. Bare Metal System Start

The start command starts LeanXcale:

unix$ lx start
atlantis [
    cfgile: /ssd/leandata/xamplelx/lib/lxinst.conf...
    bin/spread -c lib/spread.conf ...
    forked bin/spread...
    bin/spread: started pid 1056053
    bin/kvms -D!9999 /ssd/leandata/xamplelx/disk/kvms100/kvmeta ...
    forked bin/kvms...
atlantis [
    kvds103 pid 1056084 alive
    kvms100 pid 1056057 alive
    spread pid 1056053 alive
    kvds102 pid 1056075 alive
    kvds100 pid 1056062 alive
    kvds101 pid 1056066 alive


Here, atlantis started a few processes and, once done, the start command checked out if the processes are indeed alive.

In case not all components can be started successfully, the whole LeanXcale system is halted by the start command.

To start a single host or component, use its name as an argument, like in:

# start the given host
unix$ lx start atlantis
# start the named components
unix$ lx start kvds
# start the named components at the given host
unix$ lx start atlantis kvds

Start does not wait for the system to be operational. To wait until the system is ready to handle SQL commands, the status command can be used with the -w (wait for status) flag, as in:

unix$ lx status -w running
status: running

Without the -w flag, the command prints the current status, which can be stopped, failed, running, or waiting.

5.2. Docker System Start

To start LeanXcale installed on Docker containers, you must start the containers holding the installed system components.

For example, consider the default docker install

unix$ lxinst docker
install done
docker images:
uxbase       2         7c8262008dac   3 months ago   1.07GB
lx           2         cafd60d35886   3 seconds ago   2.62GB

docker network:
a8628b163a21   lxnet     bridge    local
to start:
	docker run -dit --name lx1 --network lxnet lx:2 lx1

The install process created a docker image named lx:2, installed for the docker host lx1, and the docker network lxnet.

To list the image we can

unix$ docker images lx
REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
lx           2         75b8c9ffa245   About a minute ago   2.62GB

And, to list the networks

unix$ docker network ls
a8628b163a21   lxnet     bridge    local

The created image is a single one for all containers. The name given when creating the container determines the host name used The install process specified the host names, and containers must be starte using the corresponding host name(s), so they know which leanXcale host they are for.

For example, to start the container for lx1:

unix$ docker run -dit --name lx1 --network lxnet -p0.0.0.0:14420:14420 lx:2 lx1

In this command, the container name is lx1, the network used lxnext, and the image used lx:2. The port redirection -p…​ exports the SQL port to the underlying host.

Listing docker processes shows now the running container

unix$ docker ps
e81d9d01f40a   lx:2      "/bin/lxinit lx1"   Up 56 seconds   14410  lx1

It is important to know that:

  • starting the container will start leanXcale if a valid license was installed;

  • stopping the container should be done after stopping leanxcale in it.

The container name (lx1) can be used to issue commands. For example,

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx version
leanXcale v2.1 unstable
	kv         v2.1.2.14-02-15.c26f496706918e610831c02e99da3676a1cffa47
	lxhibernate v2.1.2.14-02-07.f65c5a628afede27c15c77df6fbbccd6d781d3ee
	TM         v2.1.2.14-02-06.bfc9f92216481dd05f51900ac522e5ccfb6d2555
	QE         v2.1.2.14-02-15.4a8ff4200dc3d3656c8469b6f74c05a296fbdfb3
	avatica    v2.1.2.14-02-14.1c442ac9e630957ace3fdb5c4faf92bb85510099

executes lx version on the lx1 container.

The status for the system can be seen in a similar way:

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx status
status: running

Note that the container will not start the DB if no valid license is found.

5.3. AWS System Start

To start LeanXcale installed on AWS, you must start the AWS instances holding the installed system components.

Once started, the lx command is available at any of the installed system instances.

For example, after statring xample.aws.leanxcale.com, and provided the PEM file can be found at xample.pem, we can run this:

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx version

to see the installed version.

6. Bare Metal Starts at LeanXcale

When using replication, you can start one of the replicas (1 or 2):

unix$ lx start repl1

This addressing scheme can be used in many other commands. See the reference for the lx command later in this document for a full description of addressing.

7. Checking System Status

7.1. Bare Metal System Status

The command lx status reports the status for the system or waits for a given status. For example,

unix$ lx status
status: waiting
	kvds100: recovering files
	kvds101: recovering files

Or, to wait until the status is running:

unix$ lx status -v -w running
status: waiting
	kvds100: recovering files
	kvds101: recovering files
status: running

To see the status for each one of the processes in the system, use lx procs. For example:

unix$ lx procs
atlantis [
    kvds103 pid 1057699 alive running
    kvms100 pid 1057672 alive running
    spread pid 1057668 alive
    kvds102 pid 1057690 alive running
    kvds100 pid 1057677 alive running
    kvds101 pid 1057681 alive running


7.2. Docker System Status

Before looking at the LeanXcale system status, it is important to look at the status of the docker containers running LeanXcale components.

unix$ docker ps
e81d9d01f40a   lx:2      "/bin/lxinit lx1"   Up 56 seconds   14410  lx1

When containers are running, the command lx status reports the status for the system or waits for a given status. For example,

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx status

executes lx status on the lx1 container. The status is reported for the whole system, and not just for that container.

To wait until the status is running:

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx status -v -w running
status: waiting
	kvds100: recovering files
	kvds101: recovering files
status: running

To see the status for each one of the processes in the system, use lx procs. For example:

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx procs
atlantis [
    kvds103 pid 1057699 alive running
    kvms100 pid 1057672 alive running
    spread pid 1057668 alive
    kvds102 pid 1057690 alive running
    kvds100 pid 1057677 alive running
    kvds101 pid 1057681 alive running


7.3. AWS System Status

Before looking at the LeanXcale system status, it is important to look at the status of the AWS instances running LeanXcale components.

When instances are running, the command lx status reports the status for the system or waits for a given status. For example,

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx status

to see the system status.

To wait until the status is running:

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx status -v -w running
status: waiting
	kvds100: recovering files
	kvds101: recovering files
status: running

To see the status for each one of the processes in the system, use lx procs. For example:

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx procs
atlantis [
    kvds103 pid 1057699 alive running
    kvms100 pid 1057672 alive running
    spread pid 1057668 alive
    kvds102 pid 1057690 alive running
    kvds100 pid 1057677 alive running
    kvds101 pid 1057681 alive running


8. Stopping the System

8.1. Bare Metal System Stop

The stop command halts LeanXcale:

unix$ lx stop
atlantis [
    kvcon[1056801]: halt
atlantis [
    term 1056062 2056066 1056075 1056084 1056057 1056053...
    kill 1056062 2056066 1056075 1056084 1056057 1056053...


8.2. Docker System Stop

Stopping the LeanXcale containers should be done after stopping leanxcale. The reason is that docker might timeout the stop operation if the system is too busy updating the disk during the stop procedure.

To stop the database,

unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx stop

stops the components for the whole system (being lx1 an installed container).

We can double check this

unix$  docker exec -it lx1 lx status
status: stopped

Once this is done, we can stop the docker container.

unix$ docker ps
e81d9d01f40a   lx:2      "/bin/lxinit lx1"   Up 56 seconds   14410  lx1
unix$ docker stop lx1
unix$ docker ps

We can also remove the container, but, note that doing this removes all data in the container as well.

unix$ docker rm lx1

8.3. AWS System Stop

To stop leanXcale on AWS, you must stop leanXcale before stopping the AWS instances running it. For example

unix$ ssh -i xample.pem xample.aws.leanxcale.com lx stop

This stops the system on all the instances it uses.

9. System Recovery

The lxmeta component watches the status for other components and will stop the system when there is a failure that cannot be recovered online.

Should the system crash or fail-stop, upon a system restart, lxmeta will guide the system recovery.

At start time, each system component checks out its on-disk information and decides to start either as a ready component or as a component needing recovery.

The lxmeta process, guides the whole system start process following these steps:

  • Wait for all required components to be executing.

  • Look up the component status (ready/recovering).

  • If there are components that need recovery, their recovery process is executed.

  • After all components are ready, the system is made available by accepting queries.

The command lx status can be used both to inspect the system status and the recovering process, or to wait until the recovery process finishes and the system becomes available for queries.

10. Running SQL Queries

To use the database with the standard SQL client, you can use this command supplying the user name and secret:

unix$ lx sql -n lxadmin -p ****
lx% !tables

It is suggested not to give the password in the command line, but to open the connection later within the sql prompt, to prevent listing the password in the process list for the underlying password. This was just an example.

The isolation model can be set using the -M argument, as in:

unix$ lx sql -Msession -n lxadmin -p ****
lx% !tables

LeanXcale isolation levels are (from strongest to weakest):

  • session_consistency or session: the transaction has as snapshot then one incorporating the changes from the last update transaction in the same session.

  • snapshot_isolation or si: standard snapshot isolation, that is, when the transaction starts gets the current snapshot and all reads are performed over that snapshot.

  • read_committed or rc: each SQL statement gets the current snapshot and reads are performed from that snapshot.

  • raw_read_committed or rawrc: each read performed by an SQL statement get the latest committed value.

  • loader: Special isolation level to accelerate database loads. It is like read committed but it does not perform conflict detection nor logging. This can only be done without any other transactions accessing the database.

Communication between the SQL client and the query engine(s) is not encrypted by default. Install using the tls property to ask for encrypted communications.

The lx sql command does this on its own, but, when using a connection URL on a standard JDBC client, add the


property to the connection property set. This tells the leanXcale client driver to use TLS.

11. Configuring the System

The lx config command prints or updates the configuration used for the LeanXcale system:

unix$ lx config
cfgile: /usr/local/leanxcale/lib/lxinst.conf...
#cfgfile /usr/local/leanxcale/lib/lxinst.conf
host localhost
    lxdir /usr/local/leanxcale
    JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64
    odata 100
        addr localhost!14004
    kvms 100
    lxmeta 100
    lxqe 100
    kvds 100
    kvds 101
    kvds 102
    kvds 103

The configuration printed provides more details than the configuration file (or command line arguments) used to install.

NB: when installing into AWS or docker, the configuration printed might lack the initial aws or docker property used to install it.

It is possible to ask for particular config entries, like done here:

unix$ lx config kvms addr

It is also possible to adjust configured values, like in

unix$ lx config -s lxqe mem=500m

used to adjust the lxqe mem property to be 500m in all lxqe components configured.

12. System Logs

Logs are kept on a per-system directory, named log, kept at the install directory for each system.

Log files have names similar to


Here, the component name comes first, and then, the date and time when the log file was created. When a log file becomes too big, a new one is started for the given component.

It is convenient to use the lx logs command to list and inspect logs. It takes care of reaching the involved log files on the involved hosts.

For example, to list all log files:

	unix$ lx logs
	atlantis: [
		log/kvds100.240214.1127.log	250.00K
		log/kvms100.240214.1127.log	35.39K
		log/lxmeta100.240214.1127.log	24.10K
		log/lxqe100.240214.1127.log	445.80K
		log/spread.240214.1127.log	963
		log/start.log	426

Here, atlantis was the only system installed.

We can give host and/or component names as in many other commands to focus on those systems and/or components.

For example, to just just logs for kvms processes:

	unix$ lx logs kvms
	atlantis: [
		log/kvms100.240214.1127.log	35.39K

Or, to list only those for the kvms100:

	unix$ lx logs kvms100

To list logs for the atlantis host:

	unix$ lx logs atlantis

To list logs for kvms components within atlantis:

	unix$ lx logs atlantis kvms

To list logs for kvms components at atlantis and kvds at orion:

	unix$ lx logs atlantis kvms orion kvds

With flag -p, logs are printed in the output instead of being listed.

	unix$ lx logs -p lxmeta
	atlantis: [
		log/lxmeta100.240214.1127.log	24.10K [
			# pid 3351755 cmd bin/javaw com.leanxcale.lxmeta.LXMeta -a atlantis!14410

Flag -g greps the logs for lines with the given expression. For example:

	unix$ lx logs -g fatal

And, flag -c copies the logs to the given directory

	unix$ lx logs -c /tmp

When printing and copying the logs, only the last log file for each component are used. To operate on all the logs and not just on the last one, use flag -a too:

	unix$ lx logs -a -c /tmp

13. Backups

Backups can be made to a external location (recommended to tolerate disk failures) or within an installed host. External backups (i.e., to an external location) are made using the lxbackup tool, installed at the bin directory, which works with a given configuration file. Internal backups (i.e., to a directory on installed hosts) are made using the lx backup command.

Using lxbackup is exactly like using lx backup with a few differences:

  • Flag -f is mandatory and must be used to provide the installed configuration file.

  • The default backup directory is not $LXDIR/dump, but ./lxdump.

By default, internal backups (lx backup), the backup is $LXDIR/dump at the host used to issue backup commands. The convention is to use the first host to keep backups.

The lxbackup command can be found at the installed $LXDIR/bin directory on any installed host. If you are not sure regarding the $LXDIR value, use this command to find it:

unix$ lx -d pwd

Flag -d for lx makes it change to the $LXDIR directory before running the given command.

The detailed configuration file to be used with lxbackup is created at lxinst.conf when installing. The configuration can be retrieved also by the lx config command. For example:

unix$ lx config -o lxinst.conf
saved lxinst.conf

On external backups, the backup directory is ./dump unless otherwise specified to the backup command.

This directory can be a mount point or a link to a remote directory to keep backups at a different machine.

Directories under dump/ are named using the date, with .1, .2, etc. appended if more than one backup is created on the same date. If the backup is incremental, a final + is added to the directory name.

For example, create a full, cold, backup on the installed system (e.g., atlantis) when leanXcale is not running:

unix$ lx backup
host atlantis...
backup: /usr/local/leanxcale/dump/230720

The printed path is the path for the directory keeping the backup, as used when restoring it.

This backup is not encrypted and is not compressed. Flag -z gzips backed up files, and flag -C also encrypts them. These flags are also used when restoring a backup.

For example, this behaves like the previous example, but encrypts and compresses the backup

unix$ lx backup -C
host atlantis...
backup: /usr/local/leanxcale/dump/230720

To setup the external host orion for backups, copy the backup program and save and copy the installed configuration:

unix$ lx config -o lxinst.conf
saved lxinst.conf
unix$ lx -d pwd
unix$ scp /usr/local/leanxcale/bin/lxbackup lxinst.conf orion:~

And then, to create a full, ecnrypted, cold, backup on orion:

orion$ lxbackup -C -f lxinst.conf
host atlantis...
backup: lxdump/230720

In the examples that follow, orion is used as the external backup host.

An important note is that file modification times are preserved in backup files. They are used to learn if a file must be copied or not in an incremental backup. If a backup is relocated to a different place, and later copied back into the standard location, preserve file modification times in the process.

Using flag -z makes the tool gzip backup files, preserving modification times despite compression.

13.1. Cold Incremental Backups

Flag -i performs an incremental backup, made with respect to the last total backup made on the same backup location.

This is done after the system is stopped. The system should not be running while doing a cold backup.

For example, from the external backup host in the running example:

orion$ lxbackup -i -f lxinst.conf
host atlantis...

Or, from the installed system backup in our example:

unix$ lx backup -i
host atlantis...
backup: dump/230720.3+

The system should not be running while doing a cold backup.

Remember to use flag -z or flag -C if the backups made were compressed or encrypted.

13.2. Hot Incremental Backups

To perform a hot backup, backup the redo logs as an incremental dump by specifying lxqe:

orion$ lxbackup -i -f lxinst.conf lxqe
host atlantis...
backup: dump/230720.4+

Remember to use flag -z or flag -C if the backups made were compressed or encrypted. For example,

orion$ lxbackup -C -i -f lxinst.conf lxqe

is the command if backups at this place are encrypted.

13.3. Listing Backups

With flag -p, both lxbackup and lx backup list the known backups:

unix$ lx backup -p
/usr/local/leanxcale/dump/230720.2 encrypted

Those with a + in their names are incremental backups. Those encrypted are reported as such.

13.4. Removing Old Backups

To remove a backup, it suffices to remove its directory. For example:

unix$ lx -d rm -rf dump/230720.2

Here we used the flag “-d” for lx to change to $LXDIR before executing the remove command, which makes it easy to name the directory used for the dump.

Or, from our external backup example host:

orion$ rm -rf dump/230720.2

Beware that if you remove a backup, you should remove those incremental backups that follow up to the next total backup.

13.5. Restore

To restore a backup, use the -r flag for lxbackup or lx backup and name the backup directory to restore.

For example, this restores the given full backup path:

orion$ lxbackup -f lxinst.conf -r lxdump/230720

Do this while the system is stopped.

To restore an incremental backup (and therefore, all previous incremental backups and the total backup made before them), supply an incremental backup path.

This restores the previous total backup made and the incremental backups that follow up to the given one.

13.6. Backup Automation

To automate system backups, use crontab(8) or lxbackup to an external backup host or to run lx backup to an installed host, on the desired times.

14. Adding Hosts on LeanXcale Installs

To add more hosts to a existing install, edit the configuration file to add the extra hosts. The command:

unix$ lx config

can print the configuration if it is no longer available.

Once the new host(s) are added, run the install program to update the new hosts (and install them):

unix$ lxinst -u -f lxinst.conf

And finally, start the DB on the new host(s). For example, if we added a host named blade123, we can run:

unix$ lx start blade123

15. Reporting Issues

To report an issue, use lx report to gather system information. This program collects information from the system and builds an archive to be sent to support.

unix$ lx report
report: lxreport.231009...
stack lxmeta100...
stack kvds103...
stack kvms100...
stack spread...
stack kvds102...
stack kvds100...
stack kvds101...
stack lxqe100...

# send this file to support.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 leandata leandata 54861 Oct  9 14:58 lxreport.231009.tgz

As printed by the command output, the resulting tar file should be sent to support.

The archive includes:

  • installed version numbers

  • underlying OS names are versions

  • complete disk usage for the installed systems

  • complete process list for the installed systems

  • memory usage for the installed systems

  • lx process list

  • logs for components (last log file only, for each one)

  • stacks for each component

  • stacks for each core file found

When kvms is still running, the archive includes also:

  • statistics for the sytem

  • long list of kv resources

  • process list for each kvds

  • file list for each kvds