Installation Guide
1. Background
Here we provide background information about the different components of LeanXcale as well as the ports where they run.
1.1. LeanXcale Components
Before installing, it is important to know that LeanXcale has a distributed architecture and it consists of several components:
lxqe: Query engine in charge of processing SQL queries.
kvds: Data server of the storage subsystem. There might be multiple instances.
kvms: Metadata server of the storage subsystem.
lxmeta: Metadata process for LeanXcale. It keeps metadata and services needed for other components.
stats: Optional monitoring subsystem to see resource usage and performance KPIs of LeanXcale database.
odata: Optional OpenDATA server to support a SQL REST API.
There are other components not described above, used by the system, that
are not relevant for the user and are not described here. For example,
is a communication bus used by LeanXcale components.
Query processing is performed partially on the query engine (lxqe) and partially on the storage engines (kvds). A query has a query plan and all algebraic operators below joins are pushed down to kvds and the joins and any operator above are processed by the query engine (lxqe).
1.2. LeanXcale Ports
The components listen on network ports to provide services to other components and to client applications:
Ports 9100, 9090 and 3003 are used by the stats subsystem, when installed.
The base port for all other components is 14000. (i.e. ports are in the 14000-14999 range).
Each component has a port assigned, but is free to use the following 4 ports too.
odata (when installed) uses ports at base plus 4, i.e., 14004.
spread uses ports at base plus 444, i.e., 14444.
lxmeta uses ports at base plus 410, i.e. 14410.
lxqe uses ports at base plus 420. The first instance at a host is at port 14420, the next one at 14424, another one at 14428, etc.
kvms uses ports at base plus 400, i.e. 14400.
kvds uses ports at base plus 500, i.e. 14500. When more than one kvds is configured, following instances at the host will use 14504, 14508, etc. == Bare Metal Installs
1.3. Prerequisites
To install, you need:
A valid LeanXcale license file
The LeanXcale zip distribution
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS with a standard installation, including
java 11
ssh tools as included in most UNIX distributions.
Availability for ports used by leanXcale (refer to the [LeanXcale Components and Ports] section for details).
The install program itself requires a unix system with python 3.7 (or later).
Your sales representative will provide you with a valid license file. In case you have any issues with it, please send an email to
The LeanXcale zip distribution can be found at:
There is a zip file per version. Download the latest version.
If needed, install the required software dependencies on your system:
unix$ sudo apt update unix$ sudo apt -y install python3 python3-dev python3-pip gdb openjdk-11-jdk curl
Here, and in what follows, unix$
is the system prompt used in
commands and examples.
1.4. Install
Working on the directory where the distribution has been downloaded, unzip the LeanXcale zipped distribution:
unix$ unzip Archive: creating: lxdist/ inflating: lxdist/lxinst.v2.1.port.tgz inflating: lxdist/lxavatica.v2.1.libs.tgz ...
Here, you type the command after the unix$
prompt, and the following
lines are an example of the expected output.
Verify that the process completed successfully and there is a directory
(with the distribution packages) and the lxinst
unix$ ls lxdist lxinst
To install, run the lxinst
program and, as an option, supply the
name of the installation directory (/usr/local/leanxcale
unix$ ./lxinst /usr/local/leanxcale sysinfo localhost... install #cfgfile: argv /usr/local/leanxcale... cfgcomps… ... config: lxinst.conf install done. To run lx commands: localhost:/usr/local/leanxcale/bin/lx Or adjust your path: # At localhost:~/.profile: export PATH=/usr/local/leanxcale/bin:$PATH To start (with lx in your path): lx start
The command takes the zipped LeanXcale distribution from ./lxdist
, and
installs it at the target folder.
The detailed configuration file built by the install process is
saved at lxinst.conf
, as a reference.
The database has users (different from UNIX users). The user lxadmin
the administrator for the whole system. During the install you are asked
to type a password for lxadmin
To complete the install, a license must be added, as explained in the next section.
1.5. Using leanXcale Commands
The installation creates the lx
command. Use it to execute commands
to operate the installed system.
At the end of the installation, the install program prints suggestions
for adjusting the PATH
variable so that lx
will be available as any
other command. For example, as done with:
export PATH=/usr/local/leanxcale/bin:$PATH
when the install directory is /usr/local/leanxcale.
The lx
command can be found at the bin
directory in the install
directory. For example, at /usr/local/leanxcale/bin/lx
installing at /usr/local/leanxcale
In what follows, we assume that lx
is on the system PATH
The first command used is usally the one to install a license file:
unix$ lx license -f lxlicense
It is also possible to put the license file at ~/.lxlicense
, and the
install process will find it and install it on the target system(s).
== Docker Installs
1.6. Docker Installs with no Preinstalled Image
When a preinstalled leanXcale docker image is available, disregard this section and proceed as described in the next one.
1.6.1. Prerequisites
To install, you need:
A valid LeanXcale license file
The LeanXcale zip distribution
A Linux system with
docker version 20.10.6 or later.
python 3.7 or later.
Access to the internet to permit docker to download standard docker images and software packages for them.
Your sales representative will provide you with a valid license file. In case you have any issues with it, please send an email to
Download the latest LeanXcale zip distribution from:
There is a zip file per version.
1.6.2. Install
Working on the directory where the distribution has been downloaded, unzip the LeanXcale zipped distribution:
unix$ unzip Archive: creating: lxdist/ inflating: lxdist/lxinst.v2.1.port.tgz inflating: lxdist/lxavatica.v2.1.libs.tgz ...
Verify that the process completed successfully and there is a directory
(with the distribution packages) and the lxinst
unix$ ls lxdist lxinst
To create a docker image for leanXcale, use the following command:
unix$ lxinst docker sysinfo lx1... install #cfgfile: argv docker... ... install done docker images: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE uxbase 2 434dfeaedf0c 3 weeks ago 1.06GB lx 2 6875de4f2531 4 seconds ago 1.33GB docker network: NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 471c52155823 lxnet bridge local to start: docker run -dit --name lx1 --network lxnet lx:2 lx1
The image created is named lx:2
. It is configured to run a container
with hostname lx1
on a docker network named lxnet
To list the image we can execute
unix$ docker images lx REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE lx 2 6875de4f2531 About a minute ago 1.33GB
And, to list the networks we can execute
unix$ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 471c52155823 lxnet bridge local
The created image is a single one for all containers. The name given
when creating the container determines the host name used (in this
example, lx1
Before using the system, a license file must be installed on each container created. This is explained later.
To remove the image when so desired, use this command:
unix$ docker rmi lx:2
1.7. Docker Installs with Preinstalled Image
1.7.1. Prerequisites
To install, you need:
A valid LeanXcale license file
The LeanXcale docker image
A Linux system with
docker version 20.10.6 or later.
python 3.7 or later.
Your sales representative will provide you with a valid license file. In case you have any issues with it, please send an email to
Download the latest LeanXcale docker image from:
There is a docker image file per version.
1.7.2. Install
Working on the directory where the image file has been downloaded, add the image to your docker system:
unix$ docker load --input lx.2.1.docker.tgz Loaded image: lx:2
Double check that the image has been loaded:
unix$ docker images lx:2 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE lx 2 bd350f734448 28 hours ago 1.33GB
Create the docker network lxnet
unix$ docker network create --driver bridge lxnet
The image is a single one for all containers. The name given when
creating the container determines the host name used (in this example,
Before using the system, a license file must be installed on each container created. This is explained in the next section.
To remove the image when so desired, use this command:
unix$ docker rmi lx:2
1.8. Running leanXcale Docker Containers
This section explains how to create containers from leanXcale images and
how to install licenses and change the lxadmin
password for them.
Provided the leanXcale image named lx:2
, and the docker network
, this command runs a leanXcale docker container:
unix$ docker run -dit --name lx1 --network lxnet -p0.0.0.0:14420:14420 lx:2 lx1 b28d30702b80028f8280ed6c55297b2e203540387d3b4cfbd52bc78229593e27
In this command, the container name is lx1
, the network used
, and the image used lx:2
. The port redirection -p…
exports the SQL port to the underlying host.
It is important to know that:
starting the container will start leanXcale if a valid license was installed;
stopping the container should be done after stopping leanxcale in it.
The container name (lx1
) can be used to issue commands. For example,
this removes the container after stopping it:
unix$ docker rm -f lx1
The installed container includes the lx
command. Use it to execute
commands to operate the installed DB system.
It is possible to attach to the container and use the ''lx'' command as it can be done on a bare metal host install:
unix$ docker attach lx1 lx1$ lx version ...
Here, we type docker attach lx1
on the host, and lx version
the docker container prompt.
Note that if you terminate the shell reached when attaching the docker container, it will stop. Usually, this is not desired.
It is possible to execute commands directly on the executed container. For example:
unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx version
executes lx version
on the container.
1.8.1. Setting up a License and Admin Password
Starting the container starts leanxcale as well, but not if there is no license installed. In this case we must install a license file in the container.
To install a license file, it must be copied to the container as shown here:
unix$ docker cp ./lxlicense lx1:/usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense unix$ docker exec -it lx1 sudo chown lx /usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense
To change the password for the lxadmin
user, do this after starting
the database:
unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx kvcon addusr lxadmin pass? *****
2. AWS Installs
AWS Installs require installing the AWS command line client, used by the installer. For example, on Linux:
unix$ sudo apt-get install awscli
You need a PEM file to be used for accessing the instance, once created. The PEM file and the public key for it can be created with this command:
unix$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -C "tkey" -f tkey
Here, we create a file tkey
with the private PEM and a file
with the public key. Before proceeding, rename the PEM file
to use .pem
unix$ mv tkey tkey.pem unix$ chmod 400 tkey.pem
When installing supply the path to the PEM file (without the .pem
extension) to flag -K
, so that lxinst
can find it and use its
base file name as the AWS key pair name).
Now, define your access and secret keys for the AWS account:
unix$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=___your_key_here___ unix$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=___your_secret_here___ ...
To install the public distribution, go to
and download the zip for the last version (for example,
Before extracting the zip file contents,
make sure that there is no lxdist
directory from previous
versions, or it will include packages that are not for this one.
unix$ rm -f lxdist/*
Extract the zip file:
unix$ unzip Archive: creating: lxdist/ inflating: lxdist/lxinst.v2.1.port.tgz inflating: lxdist/lxavatica.v2.1.libs.tgz ...
Verify that the process completed successfully and there is a directory
(with the distribution packages) and the lxinst
unix$ ls lxdist lxinst
To install in AWS, use lxinst
using the aws
property and the
option to supply the key file/name to use. For example:
unix$ lxinst -K tkey aws ... aws instance i-03885ca519e8037a1 IP ... aws lx1 instance id i-0d2287deeb3d45a82
Or, specify one or more properties to set
the region, instance type, disk size, and AWS tag.
The disk size is in GiB.
The tag is a name and should not include blanks or dots.
It will be used for
domain names.
For example:
unix$ lxinst -K tkey aws awsregion us-west-1 awstype t3.large \ awsdisk 30 awstag 'client-tag' ... config: lxinst.conf install done. # To remove resources: ./lxinst.uninstall #To dial the instances: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i xkey.pem lx@
Arguments follow the semantics of a configuration file. Therefore, if a host name is specified, it must come after global properties.
Try to follow the conventions and call lx1
the first host installed,
the second one, etc.
Also, do not specify directories and similar attributes, leave them to the AWS
install process.
If something fails, or the install completes, check for a lxinst.uninstall
command, created by the install process, to remove allocated resource when
so desired.
The detailed configuration file built by the install process is
saved at lxinst.conf
, as a reference.
This is not a configuration file written by the user, but
a configuration file including all the install details.
This is an example:
#cfgfile lxinst.conf awstag client-tag awsvpc vpc-0147a6d8e9d6e6910 awssubnet subnet-0b738237bbce66037 awsigw igw-0a160524cf4edab30 awsrtb rtb-040894a1050b58a3f awsg sg-05ee9e0281599026d host lx1 awsinst i-0e0167a4233f76bb1 awsvol vol-01629a4b3694bb5fd lxdir /usr/local/leanxcale JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 addr kvms 100 addr lx1!14400 lxmeta 100 addr lx1!14410 lxqe 100 addr lx1!14420 mem 1024m kvds 100 addr lx1!14500 mem 1024m
In the installed system, the user running the DB is lx
, and
LeanXcale is added to the UNIX system as a standard service (disabled by
default). The instance is left running. You can stop it on your own if
that is not desired.
The command lxinst.uninstall
, created by the
installation, can be used to remove the created AWS resources:
unix$ lxinst.uninstall ...
To use an instance (and host) name other than lx1
, supply your
desired host name. And use a name, not something with dots or special
characters. For example:
unix$ lxinst aws -K tkey lxhost1 lxhost2 ...
creates a network and two instances named lxhost1
and lxhost2
and leaves them running.
Once installed, use lx
as in any other system:
unix$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i tkey.pem lx@ lx1$ lx stop -v
2.1. Listing and removing AWS resources (lxaws)
The program lxaws
is used to list or remove AWS installs.
This program is not built as such.
To create it, copy lxinst
to lxaws
and use it.
usage: lxaws [-h] [-e] [-v] [-d] [-D] [-r region] [-n] [-askpeer] [-yespeer] [-netpeer] [-delpeer] [-p] [-o] [-c] [tag [tag ...]] lx AWS cmds positional arguments: tag aws tag|peer command args optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e define env vars -v verbose -d remove resources -D enable debug diags -r region AWS region -n dry run -askpeer ask peer: tag owner reg vpc -yespeer accept peer:tag pcxid -netpeer set peer net: tag pcxid cidr sec -delpeer del peer: pcxid -p print open ports -o open ports: tag proto port0 portn cidr name -c close ports: tag proto port cidr
Given a region, without any tags, it lists the tags installed:
unix$ lxaws -r us-east-1
Given a tag, it lists the tag resources as found on AWS:
unix$ lxaws -r us-east-1 vpc vpc-0bb89fa4f83fc69c6 subnet subnet-0b5fb20a5372f89da igw igw-08c3cdec1dc865b84 rtb rtb-0e40ace79169b2e08 assoc rtbassoc-0248017196d4be19c sec sg-028614274a930d0ef inst i-041b70633666af01b vol vol-04310af65774fc5e7
It is also possible to supply just the base tag without the domain, as in
unix$ lxaws -r us-east-1 xtest
With flag -e
prints commands to set environment variables with resources found,
as an aid to run other scripts.
unix$ lxaws -e -r us-east-1 export vpc='vpc-0bb89fa4f83fc69c6' export subnet='subnet-0b5fb20a5372f89da' export igw='igw-08c3cdec1dc865b84' export rtb='rtb-0e40ace79169b2e08' export assoc='rtbassoc-0248017196d4be19c' export sec='sg-028614274a930d0ef' export inst='i-041b70633666af01b' export addr='' export vol='vol-04310af65774fc5e7'
When more than one tag is asked for, or more than one instance/volume is found, variable names are made unique adding a number to the name, for example:
unix$ lxaws -e peer1 peer2 export vpc0='vpc-0a50a6e989aa9da9a' export subnet0='subnet-0d9fd3a7d03eca61b' export igw0='igw-0af4279169fd8cab6' export rtb0='rtb-0f5d93a83239c3ada' export assoc0='rtbassoc-0e7d0f74cd780e121' export sec0='sg-01afb3d3c985f7881' export inst0='i-072b16e86bcc77e9f' export addr0='' export vol0='vol-08ed1c4acdc0eae61' export vpc1='vpc-023ce3e3c47bbb48f' export subnet1='subnet-0f9af7190d758d6d6' export igw1='igw-0ae3c860a69969a83' export rtb1='rtb-0d45f2059b4696cf4' export assoc1='rtbassoc-0a365cb4472f0b89e' export sec1='sg-04b122e86debcd735' export inst1='i-0b9cf8cff4b46d657' export addr1='' export vol1='vol-0f9f344a3a2b9bf38'
With flag -d
, it removes the resources for the tags given.
In this case, tags must be given explicitly in the command line.
unix$ lxaws -d -r us-east-1
2.2. AWS Ports
To list, open, and close ports exported by the AWS install to the rest of the world,
use lxaws
flags -p
(print ports), -o
(open ports), and -c
(close ports).
In all cases, the first argument is the tag for the install.
The tag can be just the AWS install tag name, without
For example, this command lists the open ports:
unix$ lxaws -p port: web: tcp 80 port: ssh: tcp 22 port: comp: tcp 14420
Here, the protocol and port (or port range) is printed for each set of open ports.
The CIDR printed shows the IP address range that can access the ports,
and is
when anyone can access them.
Before with each port range, the name for the open port range is printed. This name is set by the default install, and can be set when opening ports as shown next.
To open a port range, use -o
and give as arguments the tag for the install,
the protocol, first and last port in range, the CIDR (or any
if open to everyone),
and a name to identify why this port range is open (no spaces).
For example:
unix$ lxaws -o tcp 6666 6666 any opentest
The new port will be shown as open if we ask for ports:
unix$ lxaws -p port: web: tcp 80 port: opentest: tcp 6666 port: ssh: tcp 22 port: comp: tcp 14420
As another example:
unix$ lxaws -o xample tcp 8888 10000 another unix$ lxaws -p xample port: web: tcp 80 port: ssh: tcp 22 port: another: tcp 8888-10000 port: comp: tcp 14420
To close a port, use -c
and give as arguments the tag for the install,
the protocol, a port within the range of interest, and the CIDR used to export the port.
Note that any
can be used here too instead of the CIDR
For example:
unix$ lxaws -vc xample tcp 6666 any searching aws... close ports tcp 6666-6666 to
Here, we used the -v
flag (verbose) to see what is going on.
As another example, this can be used to close the open port range 8888-10000
from the example above:
unix$ lxaws -c xample tcp 9000
2.3. AWS VPC Peering Connections
Peering connections can be used to bridge two VPCs at AWS.
One peer asks the other peer to accept a peering connection, the peer accepts the connection, and network routes and security group rules for access are configured.
Peering connections are handled using lxaws
with the peering connection flags.
If you do not have lxaws
, copy lxinst
to a file named lxaws
and give it
execution permissions.
These are the flags for peering connections:
-askpeer ask peer: tag owner reg vpc -yespeer accept peer:tag pcxid -netpeer set peer net: tag pcxid cidr sec -delpeer del peer: pcxid
With flag
requests VPC peering connection. -
With flag
accepts a VPC peering request. -
With flag
sets up the routes and port access rules. -
With flag
removes a peering connection.
To request a peering connection, supply as arguments
the tag for the installed system where to setup a peer VPC.
the peer AWS owner id (user id).
the peer region
the peer VPC id
For example:
unix$ lxaws -askpeer xample 231967442015 us-east-1 vpc-0cf1a3b5c1252d172 peervpc pcx-06548783d83ddaba9
Here, we could have used
The command prints the peering connection identifier,
to be used for setting up networking and asking
the peer administrator to accept the peering request.
To accept a peer request, supply as an argument the peering connection id, as in:
unix$ lxaws -yespeer pcx-06548783d83ddaba9
In either case, once the dialed peer accepts the request, networking must be set supplying as arguments
the tag for the installed system where to setup a peer VPC.
the peering connection identifier
the peer CIDR block
the peer security group id
For example:
unix$ lxaws -netpeer xample pcx-06548783d83ddaba9 sg-0f277658c2828a955
Our local CIDR block is
This must be given to the peer,
so the peer system can setup routing for this block to our network, along with
the VPC id and our security group id.
This information can be
retrieved using lxaws
as described in the previous section.
For example:
unix$ lxaws vpc vpc-0f69c4a92b0a78523 peervpc pcx-0e88c49635ed2e59e subnet subnet-0ca70fab7476c2a04 igw igw-0cd6a7bfa99981659 rtb rtb-06e4994a57d37a054 assoc rtbassoc-022b54b9a0216e9f5 sec sg-0df3a6ec01a4ee5ee inst i-0b8144548f0e0f1d8 vol vol-0c40de22d908e40bd
Should it be necessary, the CIDR block used by the install can be set when installing
the system (but not later), using the property awsnet
, as in
unix$ lxinst -K mykey aws awsnet 10.0.120 awstag xample
Note that only the network address bytes used are given, instead of using
Once done with a peering connection, it can be dismantled supplying both the tag and the peering connection identifier. The identifier is always given because, when accepting a peering request, the peering connection does not belong to us. But, using the command above you can retrieve such identifier easily.
When peering is no longer desired, the peering connection can be removed.
unix$ lxaws -delpeer xample pcx-005c2b84b89377737
Removing the peering connection also removes the routing entries for it and the security group access rules added when it was setup.
3. Licenses
To check for license status or to install a new license you can use the lx license
For a local installation, use just
unix$ lx license license expires: Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 2024
For docker installs, each container must include its own license. The DB in the container does not start the DB unless a valid license is found. But, the container must be running to check the license status and to install new licenses. Refer to the section on starting docker containters for help on that.
For example, to list the license status for the container lx1
we can run
unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx license lx1 [ kvcon[1380]: license: no license file failed: failed: status 1 ] failed: status 1
To install a new license, just copy the license file to the container as shown here
unix$ docker cp ~/.lxlicense lx1:/usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense unix$ docker exec -it lx1 sudo chown lx /usr/local/leanxcale/.lxlicense
The license status should be ok now:
unix$ docker exec -it lx1 lx license license expires: Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 2024
4. Customizing Installs
4.1. Predefined Installs
By default, lxinst
installs components to exploit the machine(s) used
for the install.
It is possible to perform small installs using flag -s
like in
unix$ lxinst -s /usr/local/leanxcale
And, it is possible to perform medium size installs using flag -m
, as in
unix$ lxinst -m /usr/local/leanxcale
A small install limits the number of kvds
to 4, and
per-component memory to 1GiB.
A medium install limits the number of kvds
to 8, but does not limit
per-component memory and tries to use the default allocation policy.
4.2. Custom Install Configurations
Installs are configured using a file that describes the hosts and components installed. The file may include properties for the whole installation, or for individual hosts and components.
To perform custom installations, use a configuration file. You can fine-tune your installation in order to adapt the default installation to your needs, resources, and requirements.
The configuration file describes hosts and components installed.
To install using a configuration file, use the lxinst
flag -f
use it, as in:
unix$ lxinst -f myinstall.conf
4.3. Configuration File
The configuration file has an initial section describing global properties, then a series of hosts each one including a series of properties and a series of components with properties.
The file consists of plain text lines. The character #
can be
used to add comments (the rest of the line is ignored). Each line
declares a property, perhaps with a value, or starts a host or component
Lines declaring hosts start with host
, those declaring components
start with a component type name. All other lines declare properties.
A host configuration starts using the host
keyword and the name for
the host (which usually is the host name used to reach the host on the
network). It is recommended to use the host name instead of using
A property is declared with a single line with the property name, then blanks, and then the property value. If the property has no value, it is considered as a boolean and it is set to true.
Properties declared before the first host declaration are global, and may be overridden later by properties defined within a host or component.
All declarations after a host declaration are defined for that host, until another host declaration is found.
All properties defined a component declaration, before another one is declared, are defined for that component.
Those required components and properties not specified by the user are added by the install program with default values.
Variables HOME
and USER
may be used when defining properties.
The variable LXDIR
may be used as well and refers to the install
(or disk) directory for the host or component.
A component may be repeated adding the option x N
to specify how
many instances are wanted. When not used, each component declared stands
for a single component, but many of the same type can be added for
components like kvds
For docker installs, specify docker
before the first host.
For example, when installing at the host named atlantis
, this can be
a configuration file:
# global properties lxdir $HOME/leanxcale # one host host atlantis # one component lxqe # properties for this component addr atlantis!3444 mem 2G # another component kvds with 4 instances kvds x 4 mem 1G
In this file, the property lxdir
(leanXcale install directory) is
defined as a global property, and applies to all hosts defined.
Then, a single host (atlantis
) is defined. When no host is
configured, localhost
is used as the default.
For the configured host, two of the required components are configured:
For the
component, the network address for the service is given (host name and port), and the memory size is set to 2GiB (Gibibyte, i.e. 1024 MiB). -
For the
component, four instances are configured (x 4
), each one with 1GiB of memory.
Note that components required (e.g. lxmeta
) but not specified are
added by the install program itself.
4.4. Docker configuration files
For a docker installation, specify docker and try not to specify specific paths or hostnames for the installed system. For example:
docker host lx1 kvds x2
4.5. Custom Memory Allocation
The installer has a default memory split allocation among components. To
specify the memory size for the lxqe
and kvds
components we can
include them in the configuration file and include the mem
for them, as done here:
host atlantis lxqe mem 4G kvds x4 mem 1G
It is suggested not to use more memory in total than the physical memory available on the system (minus the one used by the operating system and leaving a small amount unused for safety).
We suggest to give half the memory to the lxqe
component and the
other half to all the kvds
components (evenly distributed).
Note that by default the install tries to use available memory, unless a small or medium install was selected.
4.6. Custom Disk Allocation
To specify the maximum disk size for the disk usage, specify it for the
components using a significant space on disk (most notably kvds
table storage, and lxqe
for the transactional log). For example:
host atlantis lxqe disk 100G kvds x4 disk 100G
4.7. Custom Query Engine Ports
The network address (including port) used by the query engine to listen
for client connections is 14420. To use another port, specify the
network address for the lxqe
host atlantis lxqe addr atlantis!3000
But it may be easier to move the base port address used to a range other
than 14000. This can be done defining the global (or host) property
, as done here:
host atlantis baseport 10000
Refer to the [LeanXcale Components and Ports] section for more details regarding network port usage.
4.8. Custom Optional Components: OpenDATA and Monitoring
To install optional components, specify them in the configuration file. It is customary to add them on the first host installed. For example:
host atlantis stats odata
adds both stats
and odata
to the installation. As they are
optional components, they are never installed by default.
The OpenDATA port is usually 14004
unless configured otherwise.
The default user and password for the stats web page is lxadmin
4.9. Other Configuration Options
Here we provide more details on configuration files.
This property defines the directory used by the install, and relies on
the HOME
environment variable on each host involved:
lxdir $HOME/xamplelx
To use a host just for stats, without any DB component, use only
the value for the stats
host atlantis # run stats here using other hosts for DB components stats only
To include a web interface in your install, add web
as a property
for the host. The server port is 5000. For example:
host atlantis # this enables a web server web
In some cases it is desirable to install one host with just the lx
command, to operate the rest of the hosts installed (perhaps just during
the install process). For example, when installing from a laptop and
wanting to have the lx
command installed at the laptop to operate a
set of hosts being installed.
This can be done adding the nodb
attribute to a host. For example:
# localhost is just to run lx cmds w/o db components host localhost lxdir $HOME/xamplelx nodb # installed host host atlantis ...
Specific ssh
and scp
commands may be given to reach the installed
hosts. Should the installed hosts use different ssh
and scp
to reach each other, properties sshi
and scpi
can be used to given
This is an example:
host atlantis # from the current location: ssh "ssh -p 22124" scp "scp -P 22124 {src} {user}{dst}" # ssh/scp to be used within the installed hosts sshi "ssh {user}@{host}" scpi "scp {src} {user}@{host}:{dst}"
4.10. Replication
Hosts may be replicated, but either all hosts must have replicas or none
of them. To define a replica for a host, add another host and define
for it using the replicated host name as the property value.
For example:
host blade120 host blade121 host atlantis mirror blade120 host blade125 mirror blade121
configures a system with two replicated hosts. That is, four hosts where two ones are a mirror of the other two ones.
In replicated configurations, the set of initial hosts is designated as the first replica (or replica-1) and the mirror hosts are known as the second replica.
Component names in this case include a final .r1
or .r2
reflect the replica they belong to. For example, kvds100.r1
likely to be a component in this configuration.
4.11. AWS Options
When using a configuration file, just define the property aws
anything. You can specify the region, instance type, disk size, and AWS tag.
The disk size is in GiB.
The tag is a string and should not include blanks.
For example, using this file:
#cfgfile aws.conf aws awstype m5.large awsregion us-east-1 awsdisk 100 host lx1
you can run:
unix$ lxinst -K key -f aws.conf
This can be done also using the command line:
unix$ lxinst -K xkey aws awsregion us-east-1 awstype m5.large awsdisk 100
The partition mounted at /usr/local/leanxcale
for the DB storage is
30GiB by default. You can change this using the aswdisk
property. It
is formatted using a compressed ZFS.
In the installed system, the user running the DB is lx
, and
LeanXcale is added to the UNIX system as a standard (disabled) systemd
service. The instance is left running. You can stop it on your own if
that is not desired.
To install multiple instances, install using multiple host names:
unix$ lxinst -K key aws lx1 lx2 install #cfgfile: argv aws lx1 lx2... ... aws instance i-03c781120293253fd IP setup instance #1... ... aws instance i-0d2b2403b2d1e25e1 IP setup instance #2... ... install done created lxinst.uninstall #To dial the instances: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i lxinst.pem lx@ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i lxinst.pem lx@
By default, private IP addresses for hosts are in
To use a different network, keep 10.0
and pick your own 3rd byte as in
unix$ lxinst -K xkey aws awsnet 10.0.130
5. Install Examples
Several configuration examples follow, for typical and more elaborate cases. Each example shown is a full configuration file, not a part of a file.
Local install at the default directory (/usr/local/leanxcale
host localhost
Local install with a single directory:
host localhost lxdir /ssd/leandata/xamplelx
It is strongly suggested to use the host name instead of localhost
Install at hosts named blade124
and blade123
at the default
host blade124 host blade123
Install at hosts named blade124
and blade123
, default directory,
but include monitoring subsystem (runs at the first host):
host blade124 stats host blade123
Install at hosts named blade124
and blade123
, at
lxdir /ssd/xamplelx host blade124 host blade123
Install at hosts named blade124
and blade123
, at
host blade124 lxdir /ssd/xamplelx host blade123 lxdir /ssd/xamplelx
Install at host blade124
placing there the kvms
, (2 instances of)
, lxmeta
, and lxqe
components. Install a default configuration
at blade123
host blade124 lxmeta lxqe kvms kvds x 2 host blade123
Install in two docker containers, lx1
and lx2
docker host lx1 host lx2
Install the lx
command at the local host, without DB components, and
install the host blade124
with a detailed configuration, and the
host blade123
as a mirror of the former host (see the comments for
# use always ~/xamplelx to install lxdir $HOME/xamplelx # we might just write this property, to configure ssh and scp # in this example, we add explicit configuration for ssh and scp too. blades # How to execute a remote shell from here to machines listed # Use {host} for the target machine, {user} for the user, ssh "ssh {user}@{host}" # How to copy a file to a remote host from here. # Use {src} for the source file, {host} for the target machine, # {user} for the user, and {dst} for the target file. scp "scp {src} {user}@{host}:{dst}" # install just lx on the local host host localhost nodb # install for the DB host blade124 host blade124 # no monitoring system included, uncomment next line to include #stats # use this user on that host (defaults to $USER otherwise) user leandata ssh "ssh -p 22124" scp "scp -P 22124 {src} {user}{dst}" # ssh/scp to be used within the installed hosts sshi "ssh {user}@{host}" scpi "scp {src} {user}@{host}:{dst}" # Single kvms kvms addr blade124!9999 # 4 different kvds kvds x 4 # put their disks at /ssd/xamplelx lxdir /ssd/xamplelx/ds # 30GiB for disk disk 30 # 200MiB for mem mem 200 # the lxmeta server lxmeta # a query engine lxqe # make blade123 a mirror of blade124 host blade123 mirror blade124
6. Configuration Reference Manual
This section provides a reference for the leanXcale configuration file.
Any property may be used as a global property (before any host declaration), as a host property (within a host declaration and before any component), or as a component property (within a component declaration).
Here, we describe properties grouped by their usual scope, for your
convenience. But, note that instead of using mem
or any other
property within a component, it can be used globally to apply to all
components, or within a host, to apply to such host.
6.1. Global properties
aws: Used as a global property, means that this is to install and start an AWS instance using the (only) configured host name (or
by default). -
awsdisk N: Used as a global property, fixes the disk size for the AWS AMI. 30 GiB by default.
awsregion name: Used as a global property, fixes the AWS used to create the installed AMIs.
awstype type: Used as a global property, defines the instance type, by default,
. -
cache: When specified, the query engine is enabled to handle in-memory table replicas. By default, it is disabled. E.g.:
host blade124 lxqe cache
docker: Used as a global property, makes the install adapt to docker install. In this case, starts and stops are handled by starting/stopping docker containers.
lxdir path: Directory used by the install. Components and hosts may override its value. Defaults to
. E.g.:lxdir $HOME/leanxcale
size [small|medium|large]: When used as global property selects heuristics to perform a small, medium, or large install. A large install is the default, using the whole machine. A small install tries to use few resources, and a medium install sits in the middle. Using flags
adds this property with the corresponding size. -
stats [only]: When used as a host property (in one host only), configures hosts to supply statistics and runs prometheus and grafana on this node to gather stats and report them. If the value is
, the host is used just for statistics and DB components use other configured hosts. -
tls: When used as a global property, makes the installed system use TLS for network exchanges between clients and the installed system.
user name: User used by the install Eg:
user nemo
LXLDAP uri: URI used to reach the LDAP server for authentication. System users must still be created for LDAP users to be granted access. Defining this property changes the authentication method only. User
is never authenticated using LDAP.LXLDAP ldap://ldapsrv:389|simple|ou=People,dc=leanxcale,dc=com
6.2. Host properties
lxdir path: Directory used by the install in the host. E.g.:
lxdir $HOME/xamplelx
addr address: Network address used (without port).
6.3. Component properties
addr address: Network address used. E.g.:
host atlantis kvms addr atlantis!14000
disk N: Size for the disk used by the component, using
as units or assuming GiB by default. E.g.:host atlantis kvds disk 50 lxqe disk 500m
mem N: Size for the memory used by the component, using
as units or assuming MiB by default. E.g.:host atlantis kvds mem 500 lxqe mem 1g
6.4. Other properties
Properties with upper-case names are exported as environment variables
for the process(es) executing the component involved. This includes both
global properties and host properties as well. For example, to enable
debug flags DOM
for the kv datastore:
These are other properties not described before.
mirror name: Defines a host as a mirror of the named host. Either all hosts must have mirrors or none of them can. (For command line arguments, the syntax is
). E.g.:host blade124 host blade125 mirror blade124
nodb: When specified as a host property, makes this host include just the
command, but no DB component. E.g.:host atlantis nodb
scp template: Template for the scp command used to remotely copy files to a host. Use '{user}' and '{host}' where the user and host address should be included, and
{src} ` and ` {dst}
where the source and destination file names should be placed. E.g.:scp scp {src} {user}@{host}:{dst}
scpi template: Template for the (internal) scp command an installed host should use to reach other installed hosts. Use the same syntax described above. E.g.:
scpi scp {src} {user}@{host}:{dst}
spread no|port: Port used by the spread process. Use
to disable it. E.g.:spread 4444
ssh template: Template for the ssh command used to execute remote commands on the host. Use
{user}' and `{host}
where the user and host names should be used. Eg.:ssh ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{host}
sshi template: Template for the (internal) ssh command an installed host should use to reach other installed hosts. Use the same syntax describe above. Eg.:
sshi ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{host}
web [addr]: Run a web server as an interface for running Lx commands. == Notice LeanXcale system uses spread as communication bus under the following license:
Version 1.0 June 26, 2001 Copyright (c) 1993-2016 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved. This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread, see